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One Day...
Himeyuri ひめゆり
Maiden of the Ba Tree
I Longed for Her
Coffee Time
Carp Jumps Over the Dragon's Gate
one day
One Day...
Oil on ceramic plates
15.5cmx 15.5cm x 2cm (x5pc)
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for details.
plate 1:
One day I went fishing with my friend.
It was a glorious day as yesterday's downpour brought up the fishes from the depths to feast on the surface's larvae.
plate 2:
Suddenly from behind the clouds emerged an Asian man on a frantic search for something i do not understand.
His footsteps rippled the calm and scared my fishes away.
plate 3:
So i shouted "Go Back Where You Came From, Asian Prick!"
He saw me then with hungry eyes that did not understand my words but nevertheless comprehend my meaning.
plate 4:
He opened his mouth and tried to force out words foreign to his tongue about how wrong i was but nothing came out except embarrassment so he disappeared into the forest.
plate 5:
That was the last i've seen of him but not the last i've heard of him.
A little bird told me he eventually heeded my advice and built two houses there too!
Maybe i should go there too, there are no more fish here, they have all gone to Asia.
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ba tree
Chang Yoong Chia
Maiden of the Ba Tree
Oil on 35 porcelain spoons
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spoon 1:
My son left me at an early age.
spoon 2:
I was sleeping while he slipped away..
spoon 3:
..I was dreaming..
spoon 4:
..and woke up crying.
spoon 5:
I miss him.
spoon 6:
So I stay at home and wait for him.
spoon 7:
Sweep the floor, wash the dishes.
spoon 8:
I make new friends.
spoon 9:
I invite them into the house..
spoon 10:
..and tell them my story
spoon 11:
So they left to help me.
spoon 12:
They searched far and wide..
spoon 13:
..and prayed for guidance.
spoon 14:
She said every spoonful you feed a baby..
spoon 15:
..becomes every teardrop for that baby..
spoon 16:
..when at last you halt to feed..
spoon 17: the end of what you need.
spoon 18:
I am old and my bones creek.
spoon 19:
My back hurts and my eyes blurry.
spoon 20:
New kinds of friends starts to see me.
spoon 21:
But they won't leave
spoon 22:
I am too weak to chase them away.
spoon 23:
And I doze off regularly.
spoon 24:
Lately I have been dreaming of my son..
spoon 25:
..he brings my parents to see me..
spoon 26:
..they lead me to my graveyard
spoon 27:
..and throw stones at me.
spoon 28:
So, after this what awaits me?
spoon 29:
I am losing all my faculties..
spoon 30:
..they fly away, they abandon me.
spoon 31:
..just like my baby.
mother, I'm here.
spoon 32:
Every spoonful that I feed..
I have never left you.
spoon 33:
..becomes every teardrop that I keep..
you choose not to see me..
spoon 31:
..Teardrops and raindrops that come my way..
..because of what I embody
spoon 35:
..I bear alone, my opinions don't sway.
..but I have always held this leaf abouve your head.
Himeyuri ひめゆり
Oil on ceramic plates
16.5 x 13cm x 2cm
(5 plates)
plate 1 of 5:
My heart rejoiced to see blooming cherry blossoms and migrating cranes in Okinawa..
plate 2 of 5:
..but my eyesight failed me again,
for they were the enemy's planes and flames..
plate 3 of 5:
..and on the sun I thought I saw my beloved daughter, Lily's face.
plate 4 of 5:
..who said to me, she was hiding in a cave,
but now is beyond any hurt or pain..
plate 5 of 5:
..because she blew up an American, when she killed herself with a hand grenade.
I longed for her
Chang Yoong Chia
I Longed for Her
Oil on ceramic spoons
16.5 x 13cm x 2cm
(28 spoons)
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for details.
Chang Yoong Chia
Coffee Time
Marker pen ink on porcelain teacups
(5 seperate pieces)
Kohi Kudasai
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for details.
cup 1 of 5:
cup 2 of 5:
何 ?
cup 3 of 5:
Coffee please.
cup 4 of 5:
cup 5 of 5:
That's good.
Chang Yoong Chia
Carp Jumps Over the Dragon's Gate
( 鲤跃龙门 )
Oil on ceramic plate with sprayed with lacquer
10cm x 10cm x 2.3cm (x16 pieces)
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for details.
carp 2022
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--它所属的地方 (但更明智)
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