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Shortly upon my arrival to Leipzig, the restriction of movement was imposed in Germany. My original intention of making artworks through interaction with the community here during my artist residency was therefore severely restricted .

However, the COVID-19 pandemic also strangely opened up new possibilities for me to deal with my work. I scampered intuitively for the materials I could find around me. I bought art materials I thought I needed before the art shop was forced to close down. I took strips of recycled paper from the etching studio, and a clock from a variety store, an egg from the supermarket, and some things I bought from home. Nesting comfortably inside the Spinnerei, these became the tools to build my personal little worlds during the raging storm outside, and for reaching out to the world I have my window and the internet.

All the jumbled up feelings and sensations somehow sharpen my focus and resolve. All that I am experiencing now becomes valid expression.


Because my current situation is also your current situation. I felt I can find the reserves within myself to express our universal longing; the fear of being infected and of infecting other people, food supply shortage, fresh air, open space and human contact, anxiety and hope for the future. The imbalance and needs to find a new equilibrium.


May 5 2020

Thumbnail 2020 This is Where We End, Thi
Thumbnail 2020 Timebomb, oil on chicken
Thumbnail 2020 Diamond Head, Ink on weav
Thumbnail 2020 Diamond Skull, Ink on wea
Thumbnail 2020 Law of the Jungle, ink on
Thumbnail 2020 Chang Yoong Chia Diary Ma
2020 elephant in four parts.jpg
Thumbnail 2020 What is the Density of Li
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